Oil transport

Pumpability of crude oils
Oil pipelines are the arteries of modern civilization. Over thousands of kilometers, through mountains and valleys, they bring crude oil from the ports or production sites to the refineries. As such, the Transalpine Pipeline (TAL) connects the oil harbor of Trieste with refineries in Karlsruhe and Ingolstadt in Germany, crossing the main Alpine ridge at a tunnel height of 1,500 meters. The oil temperature in the different sections between the pumping stations, where the crude oil‘s transportation is constantly monitored, is correspondingly varied and weather-dependent. The flowability and thus the viscosity of the pumped crude oil is a decisive factor in this. This, in turn, is heavily dependent on the temperature fluctuations as a result of the heights to be surmounted and the prevailing climates, which need to be taken into consideration when calibrating the pumps in the pump stations.
To record viscosity temperature characteristics, LAUDA Scientific provides easy-touse PVS systems with thermostat programming and automatic viscometer cleaning as well as affordable compact systems like the iVisc. The compact Viscocool 6 thermostat is suited as constant temperature equipment.
Recommended standard
- ASTM D 445
Standard Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent and Opaque Liquids (and Calculation of Dynamic Viscosity)
Typical configurations
PVS system with an S 5 measuring stand and temperature programming of 15 to max. 80 °C in the Viscocool 6 viscothermostat with Peltier cooling
- PVS 1/2 control unit
- Software TEMP-DLL
- Measuring stand S 5
- Ubbelohde viscometer type lc, ll
- Viscocool 6 viscothermostat and cover plate
- RS 232 plug-in for Viscocool 6
- PVS 1 system with an S 5 measuring stand and temperature control of 10 to 40 °C in the Viscocool 6 viscothermostat with Peltier cooling
iVisc in the Viscocool 6 viscothermostat with Peltier cooling (manual temperature setting)
- iVisc
- Ubbelohde capillaries of types Ic and II
- Viscocool 6 viscothermostat and cover plate
Applications Lubricants, oils and fuels
Viscosity index and kinematic viscosities of SAE/ISO motor oils
Recovery rate in tertiary oil production with surface active substances
Absolute, kinematic, and dynamic viscosities of highly viscous liquids